Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Taking part in Nanowrimo

So, I've been away for a long time. I have actually prepared for one post for a while now, but November came suddenly and one of my friends asked if I was going to take part in Nanowrimo. And I decided to give it a go. It's gonna be hell, but it's about time I grab myself by the neck and get some work done.

My daily goal is to write 2500 words. That means basically that I'll get to 50 000 in 20 days. I have the rest 10 days time to possibly finnish the story If the little bit over 50 000 words isn't enough.

Now yesterday I managed to get my word goal. I wrote 2647 words, and edited them a bit also. So today 5147 total word count is my goal. I'll be updating probably everyday. If I remember.

I'd like to challenge you also to do this. Even if you wrote nothing yesterday, you can take one of the 10 days as a "holiday" Start today, try writing at least 2500 words per day.

And if you think Nanowrimo isn't something you have time for which I totally understand since it consumes much time. Try at least some daily word goal. My friend for example has 500 words/day. It's a great daily goal.

And I don't know, uhm cheer for me in twitter. I'll probably be checking it also. @nemesismerri

Hope your November goes great even if you don't take part in nanowrimo.

Monday, August 22, 2016

No I'm not dead

I don't remeber what I last posted

Hi to all of you people that apparently still read this blog, for some reason. (As you can see, I'm back with only a scrap of self-esteem I could find from my dark moments.) I'm back, because of something that happened recently.
   My dad piled a lot of Artemis Fowl books into a pile. I had the first and third book in my own book case also. But I for some reason thought about reading it again, cause, I never finished the series. (just like I didn't finish Darren Shan, or one of Terry Pratchetts book series, and so on.) I finished the first book, and read the second (after school) I'm pretty proud, cause I still got enough time to write this, do most of my homework, read another book, wander around, text, and google. For tomorrow, I got only one book of the Artemis Fowl series, and that saddenss me a little bit.
   Any way, reading again lit some spark in my heart back alive about writing. I'm slightly more and more ready to return to writing after getting over some tough times. I have been thinking about a certain story. (It's not Sazras story, I'm thinking about it constatnyl but mostly subconsiously) I read some of my old text, I have improved, and I have learned a lot. In following days, you might hear more about me, at least I am thinking about coming back. (I feel like in the past five months I have said that in this blog before. *some checking* two posts about it at least, and two more drafts.... how peculiar)

any way I'll be back. Cya soon, I hope.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Sorry for my inactivness

I'll return

I have had troubles. I am even going to go so far to say that I am depressed. But I'll get energy and I'll return. I have been writing my poems. I don't write that many poems. But in the evening yesterday I felt like it. 
But I will return. Probably soon. 
sorry for the short update.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Things that ruined my vacation writing

Vacation writing=fail?

I promised to start my vacation writing challenge, but as the title says. It didn't go as planned and not in a good way. Past few days my personal life issues have come back, and I am currently at a point where I might not continue writing. I'm not going much into detail. But I got inspiration but I am just too weighed down with grief. 

I don't know what will happen to my life after this issue is done, but most likely I might take a break from this. Either because I am too broken down or I am trying my best to get my life back in order. If life really decides to kick me hard, I might either compleately quit or find inspiration from my grief and write actually more. And when I mean more, I really mean more. Like my life will become a total mess and I'll be probably left with plenty of free time. 

So I really wish to continue this but we'll see if I have the strenght to do this. 

P.S my M-key isn't working perfectly so I might have missed few m-letters since my keyboard won't let me use it correctly. (it's slightly jammed so I need to really press it to get it to work. )

I hope I see you later.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Creating a language to your story

Little tips on language creation

Now It's a story time. I was reading my earlier drafts of Freaks and demons, the story of Sazra. I noticed that at one point, I had three new languages in it. One for angels, one for demons and one death language who was understood by 'nobelities' and creatures who lived in afterlife. I still have some notes on death language. But angel language and demon language are long forgotten, and even if I had the notes I would still rework them. They were too similar. So today I though that it does make sense to have language for angels and demons. So I started on angel language. But I know that I like certain letter combinations more than others, so I thought how to desing the new language. Here are the steps that I created:

1. Pick up few phrases
some basic phrases like how are you? greetings and such. I also picked somthing not so common for humans but a used phrase for angels  like prepare to die. If your language is for certain people then think what phrases they would use. If it's a tribe in your rainforest in planet garroth. You might not need a word for cellphone.

2. pick already existing language
this part is really essential if you are like me. Creating few new languages. In order for them to sound different I picked a language and translated the phrases into that language. And then started thinking about "words" that sounded similar to that language. Remeber to pick different languages. If languages are too close to each other the sound difference is too small. Unless that's what you are going for.

3. think about grammar rules
the grammar can differ from english grammar ye know. For example in my native language you don't have words like to, from, for. (etc) But words blend kinda... together. Like 'from New York' is in my language. 'New Yorkista.' But anywa, you don't have to make drastic changes, and you probably shouldn't, other wise it might be too difficult. I don't know....

4. learn these rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist.
these aren't strickt rules, they are guidelines. Use them as tools not as rules. You don't have to follow in their foot steps, but you can go in somewhat same direction.

Thank you. It's great that this didn't end up being as emotional as some of my posts. If you want to check out the angel language phrases that I came up with. You can find it in my wattpad profile.
click here

Writer's insecurities


We all have our insecurities. And I have plenty but I am talking about certain insecurities. I am talking about things that make me feel like I am not good enough as a writer. Or worse, things that make me feel like I'm not a writer at all.
I'll be getting straight to the point.
1. My age 
    writing takes time and I am young. I'm writing a blog like I know something but I'm 17, no one takes me really serious. And I am still living with my parents so they have control over me, so I cannot really publish everything. This is one of the biggest things that pain me. Because I work hard with my writings. But just because of my age, I could be considered as a joke.
2. no published works
 this is because I'm very young, but still. I don't really feel like a writer since I don't have anything written.
3. I write romance
nothing wrong writing a romance, but I feel like my writing isn't as good when I write romance. And also if you combine this with the facts that I indeed am a female, and 17. In the eyes of many adults I am basically just a teenager and a hopeless romantic who writes fanfictions about one direction members I'd like to date. (just to clear few things out. nothing wrong with writing fanfics, I don't write that many fanfics.)
4. I don't feel like I can get any better
I don't think my writing can develope any better, because unlike in gymnastics for example, writing doesn't have any difficult moves that I could learn. There's no way to measure really how good you are on your own. I don't feel like my writers voice has yet developed, and I'm fearing it never will. I feel stuck.
5. writer's don't really make it in Finland
I live in a country that you can't really make it in as an artist of any kind. It's really difficult.

There are five insecurities and now you know a little it more about me. Here you go. This was a little bit more personal. I hope you don't mind that, and I hope that this somehow  opened your eyes.

Project:vacation writing

Vacation writing

Okidoki, so my writing projects usually fall flat because I'm lazy or some other excuse. But I feel good about this particular writing project. If this ends up being succesful you'll get a link to a wattpad book where you can read about my writings.
-it might be a good draft of one of my stories.
-my project jourunal (if it ends up being interesting to read for you and if it contains some tips.)
-random collection of my writings.

What I hope to achieve is not only readable material but wisdom, inspiration and tips to write here on my blog.

It starts tomorrow, today I am prepareing for the challenge. First day gonna be sitting in a car for eight hours.
Anyway, my main focus is on few of my stories.
-Sazra's story (oviously, his story has always been on focus)
-A story about a young ghoul. (one draft is already been written in wattpad)

What to wait from future.
-a lot of my learning.
-perhaps some finished series like the challenge I started eternity ago
-a new series where I compare my stories

anyway, I would love if you could write also with me. I have absolutely no idea how many actually read these. But ye know some feedback or thoughts are always appreciated. you now have a link to my twitter account so you can also reach me there.
I had something else to say also, but alas, I forgot. so till next post.